Thursday, June 4, 2009


That Darn Cat. I think it was Disney who made that movie, but I'm not sure. Our cat "Spooky" could star in the remake. Zing, zoom,bang and he's off! He might be just chasing his tail and away he goes. He has a leash to go outside. It only takes a little breeze to make him happy. The grass moves a bit and he's got a play toy. Then it's time for a nap. What a life! No worries, a warm dry bed, and all the food he can eat! I'm jealous!!! When he wakes up, his alter ego will appear. Just like people, he get's attitude. He goes from 12lb. lovey cat to a miniature tiger. Fingers become chew toys and legs become scratch trees. Then a few seconds later and the lovey cat is back. Time for a nap again

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