Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

I often wonder why I'm not satisfied with the way things are. Why can't I just be like ever other Tom, Dick, or Harry and never try to change who or what I am? Why do I want to do something that other people might find rather foolish? Maybe they are right and maybe I am foolish but I'm still going to do what I'm doing.
I like to take a piece of wood and make a useful and decorative object out of it. No two Items are identical even though they are built to be. The wood itself creates a unique design in ever piece. When I was working as a contractor on a house what you were doing soon became apparent to all who looked. Now they just have to look in a different place.
I don't mind being different and not just do the same old thing over and over again. I probably will never get rich building and selling my products but I'll bet that I have some fun in the process.

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